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A Statistical Analytic Approach to Mitigate Construction Delay in the Context of Bangladeshi Construction Industries


The construction industry is a leading and progressing sector to bolster the economy of a country. In the context of Bangladesh, the construction sector is developing at a high rate.A huge number of projects both public and private are being undertaken by construction companies to play a vital role in the economic development of the country. But due to some uncertainties, these projects fall short of their approached schedule and cause construction delays. This study deals with the factors that cause such delays in construction projects and gives an overview of the current state of construction delay in the context of Bangladesh. A statistical approach was conducted using the IBM SPSS platform and taken as the main parameter to analyze and mitigate the construction delay factors. The analysis was conducted on the basis of the field survey data obtained from different project types existing in Bangladesh. And lastly, suggestive measures were obtained from construction professionals having adequate experience in this sector. This paper restricts its study only in the analysis and mitigation of construction delay in the projects which encompass residential and institutional characteristics. For other mega projects and industrial projects more in-depth study can be undertaken.

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Process Flow Diagram of the Study

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Graphical Representation of the Delay Factors

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